Alberta fishing planet shrimps
Alberta fishing planet shrimps

alberta fishing planet shrimps

Researchers examining the diet of cardinal tetras from flooded forests and stream tributaries of the Rio Negro found that the fish were naturally eating a very broad range of foods.

alberta fishing planet shrimps

One of the most important steps in finding out about the biology of any species is to find out what it eats. Huge numbers are collected and exported each year from their Amazonian home, but although they are a familiar sight in aquarium shops, little is known of their life in the wild. With its iridescent blue and vivid red colors, the cardinal tetra is one of the most striking fishes in the world. What's a typical wild diet for a fish such as a tetra? They wouldn't harm your shrimp I don't think. A small Tetra school would probably do it.

Alberta fishing planet shrimps